Making a Case for Using More Than Just Excel

Everyone knows excel is great, but when should you use other data tools?

Many organizations both large and small utilize Office 365 tools, specifically Excel, for day-to-day data management and analysis.  Excel is a versatile tool that is highly flexible.  Due to its broad availability and cost-effectiveness many people are familiar with it.  It is undoubtedly a valuable tool for data analytics and reporting but does have limitations in many situations.  The Honeycomb data platform was designed to remove these limitations, increasing the value of your data by offering four key advantages when compared to processes that utilize Excel.

Organizations can benefit from utilizing Honeycomb, a tool designed to remove limitations of Excel.

Honeycomb data accuracy

Data Accuracy

Manual data processes are prone to errors which can be cost and time-consuming to correct.  Workflows in which users’ consolidate data from multiple sources into one or more excel files and then perform manual analysis on the data is at best an expensive and labor-intensive process.  Honeycomb lifts this burden through automatic data processing, providing back to your team hours of increased productivity.

Honeycomb increased collaboration

Increased Collaboration

Working with Excel reduces the ability to collaborate, team members always have to be concerned about what version of the file they are working with and if they have shared it with the appropriate people once data manipulation has been completed.  Honeycomb solves this issue by providing a central data repository, data is acquired from all necessary source systems and loaded into the lakehouse where our BI Developers use it to glean meaningful insights through data visualization.   This methodology ensures all stakeholders have the visibility they require on the data allowing them to identify issues or opportunities as they arise.

Honeycomb process efficiency

Process Efficiency

Honeycomb is designed to remove the unnecessary manual data manipulation from you process.  Standardized ELT process will acquire and prepare your data, resulting in significant time savings. With Honeycomb you will reduce the time spent on data gathering and manipulation, as well as other administrative tasks.

Honeycomb scalability


Excel is not a scalable solution.  As your data grows you run into both performance issues and maximum data capacities within the tool.  Additionally, multiple personnel cannot effectively work with the same dataset simultaneously.  With Honeycomb, these scalability concerns are alleviated.  Built with leading technology, such as Databricks and Snowflake, Honeycomb can scale to meet your business where it’s, at large or small.  As your business grows the platform can seamlessly grow with you.

Honeycomb benefits:

  • Organizations can benefit from utilizing Honeycomb, a tool designed to remove limitations of Excel.

  • Data Accuracy is improved through automation, resulting in increased productivity.

  • Process Efficiency is increased by removing manual data manipulation.

  • Increased Collaboration provides stakeholders with visibility on data.

  • Scalability allows the platform to grow with changing business needs.

Honeycomb benefits

Honeycomb has the potential to be a game-changer for organizations looking to cut through the complexity of manual Excel processes. Gain access to data accuracy and efficiency, increased collaboration with stakeholders and scalability that can grow with the changing needs of a business. Now is the time to make the switch and begin taking advantage of the opportunities that the digital age is offering. Discover how Honeycomb can simplify your everyday processes for maximum returns by requesting a demo today - reach out to us directly via our website or drop us message through the contact form, and one of our team members will get back to you shortly.